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Pelvic Floor Myths VS Facts


There are plenty of misconceptions and misguided information about pelvic floor. I am here to help break down the taboo subject of talking about "down there" and help you understand a little more about how your pelvic floor works.

MYTH: Peeing while exercising is normal

FACT: Peeing while exercising is COMMON but not normal. Many woman put up with leaking urine while exercising (coughing, sneezing, laughing) because “every” woman seems to do it. There’s pads and undies to “help” with this situation, there are athletes that are praised for speaking up about it, which yes it’s great to break the taboo around the subject but leaking urine is a PELVIC FLOOR CONCERN and should be assessed by womens healthy physio to help with moving forward… pee free!

MYTH: When working your pelvic floor, you must suck in your abs and squeeze your glutes

FACT: When working your pelvic floor, you should be lifting your “vagina” upwards and wrapping your transverse abdominus (TA) which is your lower belly. A lot of people when training pelvic floor, will squeeze their glutes or suck in their belly but this actually creates downward pressure on your pelvic floor which can make pelvic floor symptomS WORSE.

MYTH: Having a tight pelvic floor is a good thing

FACT: Having a too tight pelvic floor is actually a PELVIC FLOOR CONCERN. You pelvic floor is meant to be able to contract and RELAX. When it can’t relax, it is called a a hypertonic pelvic floor and can be made worse by doing pelvic floor exercises therefore it’s best to check with your Womens health physio. Symptoms of Hypertonic PF are constipation, incomplete emptying of the bowels and bladder, pelvic / lower back / hip pain, painful sex, incontinence and urgency.

MYTH: Postpartum is the time between giving birth and 12 weeks

FACT: Postpartum is FOREVER! So no matter where you are at on your journey, if you have ANY pelvic floor concerns, please address them right NOW. Menopause can exacerbate PF problems that went untreated.

MYTH: C-sections cause less damage to your pelvic floor

FACT: If you had a C section, you still need to focus on strengthening your PF in your postpartum journey as PREGNANCY is the major risk factor for PF problems. Plus strengthening your PF and TA is the best way to build your core back up from the inside / out.

Not sure what the signs of PELVIC FLOOR DYSFUNCTION is ?! Stay tuned for the next post

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